Frequently Asked Questions


Why did McMurry University (MCM) initiate a mobile device computer program?
A. The use of computing and information technologies has increased dramatically over the past several years at MCM just as it has elsewhere. Students need access to computers to complete assignments, do research, communicate with faculty, and classmates.

Faculty, likewise, need access to computers for their teaching, research, communication with students, colleagues on and off campus and a myriad of other purposes.

Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of computing and information technologies in the educational process, a detailed examination of resources available to faculty and students was undertaken. A three year study confirmed the educational impact a tablet initiative will have on every student every day in the educational process.

Mobile Online Visionary Education (MOVE) was introduced, in the fall of 2007, to the new freshman class at MCM and phased in over four years.

Given the fact that computing and information technologies have had a tremendous impact upon education, was there any consideration given to the nature of this impact upon teaching and learning?
A. Yes. One of the most compelling features of computing and information technologies is the powers of direct inquiry, exploration, and dialogue that can easily be put in the hands of teachers and students virtually any time and in any place.

Opportunities for ongoing collaboration and communication are especially enhanced. This is particularly the case in situations where faculty and students have universal and immediate access to networked computing and information resources such as a tablet computer. These features are particularly important for a University like MCM that can serve to enhance and enrich our tradition of a liberal arts education.

Aren't more and more students bringing their own computers to campus these days?
A. Some, but not all students, have sufficient resources to acquire their own computers, and then bring them to campus. Many, however, do not have sufficient resources and therefore, are at a disadvantage. MOVE will place all students on a level playing field allowing for computing equity.

When will students receive their computer?
A. Entering freshmen and transfer students will receive a computer during Welcome Week, when fees are paid and tablet use agreement has been signed.

Do students receive just one laptop for all four years? How often are faculty laptops upgraded?
A. Yes, MCM’s  program is based on a students receive a computer their freshmen year, then at graduation, for a nominal fee the computer is theirs to keep. Faculty computers are upgraded on the same schedule as students.

Who owns the computers, students or MCM?
A. The computers are owned by MCM. Although students are able to take them home during vacations and the summer, use them as if they were their own, MCM holds the ownership. Graduating seniors will have an option to acquire ownership of their computer, priced, by McMurry University MOVE department.

How are repairs handled?
A. Information Services, certified staff provides support through the M.O.V.E. Student Computer Service Desk. In addition, a four-year warranty and damage protection (ADP) program is in place which covers most issues. A "loaner" pool is in place, for faculty and students, should their computer need a lengthy repair time. Issues or damage related to misuse or negligence, while such issues will be handled through the Technology Support Center, is the responsibility of the individual and charges may be incurred.

Has there been any research on the effectiveness of laptop programs?

A. Yes and the results are positive. MCM is currently developing an in perpetuity assessment plan for our computer program and will provide periodic reports.